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sullivan gordan - saving homewaters – the story of montana's streams and rivers

Saving Homewaters – The Story of Montana's Streams and Rivers The Story of Montana's Streams and Rivers

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22,98 €

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Pagabile anche con Carta della cultura giovani e del merito, 18App Bonus Cultura e Carta del Docente

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Lingua: Inglese
Pubblicazione: 07/2024


A remarkable account of Montana's efforts to save its trout streams and rivers from pollution and neglect.The fabled nature of Montana's streams cannot be taken for granted. In the late 1800s many of Montana's rivers were filled with pollution and dying fish. Certain key conservation and restoration policies between 1900 and 1940 set the stage for the waters that now draw visitors and anglers from around the world. Yet, many of those same rivers and streams are once again facing devastating environmental threats.
Montana is a paradigm for conservation issues that are faced around the nation and around the world. Yet, no one has ever managed to tell the story of the policies and unique policy makers who made this all possible. And, no one has therefore been able to turn back to that history as a source of direction for dealing with the ongoing environmental challenges facing streams everywhere. 10 black & white photographs, 1 map.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 234 x 23 x 160 mm Ø 539 gr
Formato: Copertina rigida
Pagine Arabe: 253

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