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information center for hearing speech and disorders (curatore) - hearing, speech, and communication disorders

Hearing, Speech, and Communication Disorders Cumulated Citations 1974

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Lingua: Inglese


Pubblicazione: 07/2012
Edizione: Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1975


Information analysis centers were developed to help the scientist and practitioner cope with the ever­ increasing mass of published and unpublished information in a specific field. Their establishment resulted from a further extension of those pressures that had brought about the formation of the specialized primary journal and the abstracting services at the turn of the century. The information analysis center concept was greatly advanced by the 1963 report of the President's Science Advisory Committee Panel on Science Information. This report stated: " . . . scientific interpreters who can collect relevant data, review a field, and distill information in a manner that goes to the heart of a technical situation are more help to the overburdened specialist than is a mere pile of relevant docu­ ments. " Such specialized information centers are operated in closest possible contact with working scientists in the field. These centers not only furnish information about ongoing research and dis­ seminate and retrieve information but also create new information and develop new methods of infor­ mation analysis, synthesis, and dissemination. The continually expanding biomedical literature produced by scientists from the world's laboratories, research centers, and medical centers led the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke in 1964 to initiate a national Neurological Information Network of specialized centers for neurological information. The Centers are designed to bring under control and to promote ready access to important segments of the literature.


Hearing and Balance Citations.- Technical Reports and Government Publications.- Anatomy and Physiology of the Peripheral Auditory and Vestibular Systems.- General.- External ear and auditory canal.- Middle ear, middle ear mechanics.- Inner ear, cochlear and vestibular mechanisms.- Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy of the Eighth Nerve and Central Auditory and Vestibular Systems.- General.- Acoustic nerve.- Vestibular nerve.- Central auditory system.- Central vestibular system.- Auditory evoked response (AER).- Behavioral Studies of Auditory and Vestibular Systems in Animals.- General.- Animal psychophysics.- Animal communication by sound.- Echolocation.- Psychophysical Studies of Hearing.- General.- Auditory fatigue and temporary threshold shift.- Awareness, selectivity, short-term memory for sounds, attention to sounds and speech.- Temporal effects.- Binaural effects and dichotic listening.- Loudness and intensity.- Masking.- Pitch and frequency effects.- Musical perception.- Environmental and atmospheric effects.- Experimental psychopharmacology.- Audiologic Assessment (See also AER under Neurophysiology).- General.- Behavioral techniques.- Non-behavioral techniques.- Pathologies of the Hearing and Balance Systems, Except Noise-Related (Each subject includes etiology, diagnosis, incidence, therapy).- General.- Aging effects.- Anoxia and hypoxia.- Central impairments.- Drug/chemical induced disorders.- Animal research.- Infections.- Meniere’s disease.- Otosclerosis.- Prenatal/perinatal-based disorders.- Familial disorders.- Non-familial prenatal/perinatal disorders.- Trauma not due to noise.- Tumors and cysts.- Audiologic Habilitation.- General.- Education of the hearing-impaired.- Hearing aids and other prosthetic devices.- Implanted aids.- Psychological/sociological considerations.- Speech and language abilities of the hearing-impaired, including sign language.- Noise and Hearing Conservation.- General.- Noise-induced hearing impairment.- Non-auditory physiological and psychological changes due to noise.- Noise level measurement and annoyance scales.- Noise protection devices.- Hearing conservation programs.- Medico/legal considerations.- Vestibular Function Testing.- Books of interest.- Language, Speech, and Voice Citations.- Technical Reports and Government Publications.- Production of Speech/Song.- General.- Anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism.- Acoustic analysis of speech/song.- Speech synthesis.- Environmental effects.- Chemical effects (experimental).- Speech Perception.- General.- Perceptual coding, memory and retrieval of linguistic features and units.- Intelligibility testing, including perception of degraded speech, synthetic speech, and speech heard over various transmission systems.- Speech recognition/talker identification by machines and humans.- Cortical functions related to speech/language processing.- Linguistics.- General.- Linguistic theory and analysis.- Socio-linguistics, dialects, the culturally disadvantaged.- Multilingualism.- Automated language analysis (machine translation).- Normal Speech and Language Development.- General.- Pre-linguistic vocalization.- Lexical, semantic, and conceptual development.- Acquisition of syntax and phonology, including prosodic features.- Assessment of speech and language.- Development and assessment of reading abilities.- Speech and Language Pathologies (General).- Pathological Speech and Language Development.- General.- Delayed speech and language development for causes not otherwise specified.- Mental retardation.- Developmental disorders of articulation.- Developmental dysphasia.- Minimal brain dysfunction.- Dyslexia.- Neurological Disorders of Speech and Language.- General.- Acquired aphasia in children and adults.- Other neurological disorders of speech and language.- Traumatic origins and CVA.- Prenatal/perinatal in origin.- Acquired diseases.- Oro-facial Anomalies and Injuries.- General.- Etiology of clefts.- Etiology of other oro-facial anomalies.- Medical, dental, surgical management.- Clefts.- Other anomalies.- Injuries.- Non-medical management of clefts, anomalies, and injuries.- Stuttering and Cluttering.- Psychiatrically-Based Disorders.- General.- Autism.- Schizophrenia.- Voice Disorders.- General.- Etiology and diagnosis of voice disorders.- Medical/surgical management.- Laryngeal tumors.- Laryngeal pathologies of other origins.- Voice therapy, including sociological and psychiatric aspects.- Rehabilitation of laryngectomees, including psycho-social aspects.- Effects of Chemical Agents on Central Language Processing and Speech (Side effects, non-experimental exposure, poisoning).- Systems and Methods of Animal Communications.- General.- Anatomy and physiology of the signal production mechanism.- Signal production behavior.- Anatomical, physiological, and behavioral changes induced by chemical and other means.- Books of interest.- Appendix and Indexes.- Productive journals.- Alphabetic index to subject headings.- Author index.

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Condizione: Nuovo
Dimensioni: 279 x 210 mm Ø 1947 gr
Formato: Brossura
Illustration Notes:XII, 792 p.
Pagine Arabe: 792
Pagine Romane: xii

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