PAKDD Industrial Track and Workshops 2007.- PAKDD 2007 Industrial Track Workshop.- A Survey of Open Source Data Mining Systems.- Predicting the Short-Term Market Reaction to Asset Specific News: Is Time Against Us?.- Frequency-Weighted Fuzzy Time-Series Based on Fibonacci Sequence for TAIEX Forecasting.- Probabilistic Techniques for Corporate Blog Mining.- Mining Chat Conversations for Sex Identification.- Mining High Impact Exceptional Behavior Patterns.- Practical Issues on Privacy-Preserving Health Data Mining.- Data Mining for Intelligent Structure Form Selection Based on Association Rules from a High Rise Case Base.- CommonKADS Methodology for Developing Power Grid Switching Orders Systems.- Discovering Prediction Model for Environmental Distribution Maps.- Workshop BioDM’07—An Overview.- Extracting Features from Gene Ontology for the Identification of Protein Subcellular Location by Semantic Similarity Measurement.- Detecting Community Structure in Complex Networks by Optimal Rearrangement Clustering.- The HIV Data Mining Tool for Government Decision-Making Support.- Negative Localized Relationship Among p70S6 with Smad1, 2, 3 and p38 in Three Treated Human Cancer Cell Lines.- Cancer Identification Based on DNA Microarray Data.- Incorporating Dictionary Features into Conditional Random Fields for Gene/Protein Named Entity Recognition.- Translation and Rotation Invariant Mining of Frequent Trajectories: Application to Protein Unfolding Pathways.- Genetic-Annealing Algorithm for 3D Off-lattice Protein Folding Model.- Biclustering of Microarray Data Based on Singular Value Decomposition.- On the Number of Partial Least Squares Components in Dimension Reduction for Tumor Classification.- Mining Biosignal Data: Coronary Artery Disease Diagnosis Using Linear and Nonlinear Features of HRV.- High Performance Data Mining and Applications Overview.- Approximately Mining Recently Representative Patterns on Data Streams.- Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams Using ESBF.- A New Decision Tree Classification Method for Mining High-Speed Data Streams Based on Threaded Binary Search Trees.- Progressive Subspace Skyline Clusters Mining on High Dimensional Data.- Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Clustering Based on Secret Sharing.- SePMa: An Algorithm That Mining Sequential Processes from Hybrid Log.- Evaluate Structure Similarity in XML Documents with Merge-Edit-Distance.- Ensemble Learning Based Distributed Clustering.- Deploying Mobile Agents in Distributed Data Mining.- ODDC: Outlier Detection Using Distance Distribution Clustering.- Spatial Clustering with Obstacles Constraints Using Ant Colony and Particle Swarm Optimization.- A High Performance Hierarchical Cubing Algorithm and Efficient OLAP in High-Dimensional Data Warehouse.- Grid-Based Clustering Algorithm Based on Intersecting Partition and Density Estimation.- Depth First Generation of Frequent Patterns Without Candidate Generation.- Efficient Time Series Data Classification and Compression in Distributed Monitoring.- Best-Match Method Used in Co-training Algorithm.- A General Method of Mining Chinese Web Documents Based on GA&SA and Position-Factors.- Data Management Services in ChinaGrid for Data Mining Applications.- Two-Phase Algorithms for a Novel Utility-Frequent Mining Model.- Top-Down and Bottom-Up Strategies for Incremental Maintenance of Frequent Patterns.- GC-Tree: A Fast Online Algorithm for Mining Frequent Closed Itemsets.- Integration of Distributed Biological Data Using Modified K-Means Algorithm.- A Parallel Algorithm for Enumerating All the Maximal k-Plexes.- A Multi-dependency Language Modeling Approach to Information Retrieval.- Factoid Mining Based Content Trust Model for Information Retrieval.- Service, Security and Its Data Management for Ubiquitous Computing – Overview.- Study on Trust Inference and Emergence of Economical Small-World Phenomena in P2P Environment.- A Secure Time Synchronization Protocol for Sensor Network.- On Grid-Based Key Pre-distribution: Toward a Better Connectivity in Wireless Sensor Network.- A Distributed and Cooperative Black Hole Node Detection and Elimination Mechanism for Ad Hoc Networks.- A Novel Adaptive and Safe Framework for Ubicomp.- Reducing Inter-piconet Delay for Large-Scale Bluetooth Scatternets.- Security Analysis and Enhancement of One-Way Hash Based Low-Cost Authentication Protocol (OHLCAP).- An Effective Design of an Active RFID Reader Using a Cache of Tag Memory Data.- Privacy Protection Scheme of RFID Using Random Number.- A Hierarchical Composition of LU Matrix-Based Key Distribution Scheme for Sensor Networks.- Security Framework for Home Network: Authentication, Authorization, and Security Policy.- Bogus Data Filtering in Sensor Networks.- Streaming Media Securely over Multipath Multihop Wireless Network.- Flexible Selection of Wavelet Coefficients Based on the Estimation Error of Predefined Queries.- Secured Web Services Based on Extended Usage Control.- A Digital Rights Management Architecture for Multimedia in P2P.