8,90 €
The Lost World, undoubtedly the most famous non-Sherlock Holmes story written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was published in 1912 in the Strand magazine. Despite the popularity of Holmes, Conan Doyle himself preferred either his historical work or fantastical stories. Edward Malone, the main character, is a young man in love; but the woman of his dreams, Gladys, is critical of him because he has never done anything spectacular or dangerous to prove his love for her. Malone, who works as a journalist for the Daily Gazette, quickly finds a way to impress Gladys: he decides to take part in the expedition of Professor George Edward Challenger, a zoologist whose scientific reputation has been damaged by his insistence that creatures thought to be extinct still exist within the Amazon basin. During this expedition – made up of Professor Challenger, Professor Summerlee, the Amazon adventurer Lord John Roxton, and Malone – the young journalist discovers a lost world full of dangers and incredible creatures.  This volume and Audio-CD offer the opportunity to enjoy reading while learning at the same time. Notes and language activities help the reader to follow the story, appreciate aspects of the writing, memorize vocabulary and practice language structures. Allegato al volume CD-Audio.

  • Condizione: Nuovo
  • ISBN: 9788820361457
  • Collana: Leggere
  • Dimensioni: 15x21 cm
  • Formato: Copertina plasticata
  • Pagine Arabe: 120

29/09/2017 di lau_concas Questa linea della hoepli è davvero eccellente, di grande aiuto per chi vuole studiare da solo ed esercitarsi su tutti gli aspetti: ascolto, lettura, comprensione del testo e ampliamento del proprio vocabolario