0. Preface 0.1. Historical Context 0.2. How this Book Came About 0.3. What this Book Is and Is Not 1. Introduction 1.1. First Recognition 1.2. Synergy and Convergence 1.3. Today’s Golden Age 1.4. The Philadelphia School in Context 1.4.1. Design Methods 1.4.2. The Social Sciences 1.4.3. Historicism 1.4.4. Radical Technology 1.4.5. Semiology 1.4.6. Postmodernism 1.4.7. Formalism 1.4.8. Starchitecture 1.5. Recognition Today 1.6. The Approach of the Philadelphia School 2. Philadelphia 2.1. A Quick Overview 2.2. What We Learned 2.3. Edmund Bacon and the Renewal of Philadelphia 2.4. The World’s Fair 2.5. Bacon’s Achievements 2.6. Bacon’s Legacy 2.7. Success and Failure of Great American Cities 3. The School 3.1. Background 3.1.1. University of Pennsylvania and Architecture 3.1.2. Paul Philippe Cret 3.1.3. Trying to Keep the Past Alive 3.1.4. Hudnut, Gropius, and Perkins at Harvard 3.1.5. G. Holmes Perkins: Architect of the Philadelphia School 3.2. Other Programs 3.2.1. Land and City Planning 3.2.2. Landscape Architecture 3.2.3. Civic Design 3.2.4. The Unity of Design 3.2.5. Fine Arts 3.3. The Architecture Program 3.3.1. Undergraduate and Graduate Programs 3.3.2. College at Penn 3.4. Design 3.4.1. Basic Design with Nowicki 3.4.2. First Year 3.4.3. Design Studios 3.4.4. Student Work 3.5. History and Theory 3.5.1. History and Architectural Education 3.5.2. Key Buildings 3.5.3. Denise Scott Brown 3.5.4. James Murphy 3.5.5. Romaldo Giurgola 3.5.6. Robert Venturi 3.5.7. History-Theory Electives 3.6. Technology 3.7. Thesis 3.8. Kahn’s Master’s Class 3.9. Our Buildings 3.9.1. The Fine Arts Building 3.9.2. The Furness Building 3.9.3. Meyerson Hall 3.9.4. Other Buildings 3.10. Faculty Leaving 3.11. Campus Unrest 4. Philosophies of the Philadelphia School 4.1. Wittgenstein’s Thread 4.2. The Beaux-Arts and the Philadelphia School 4.2.1. Why Begin With the Beaux-Arts? 4.2.2. What was the Beaux-Arts 4.2.3. The City Beautiful Movement 4.2.4. The Benjamin Franklin Parkway 4.2.5. The Chicago World’s Fair 4.2.6. The Plan of Chicago 4.2.7. Rejection of the Beaux-Arts and the City Beautiful Movement 4.2.8. Perkins’s Attack on the Beaux-Arts 4.2.9. A Renewed Interest in the Beaux-Arts 4.2.10. Kahn and the Beaux-Arts 4.3. Meaning in Architecture 4.3.1. Hudnut, Gropius, and Harvard 4.3.2. Symbol, Sign, and Meaning 4.4. Culture 4.5. Popular Culture 4.5.1. Andy Warhol Comes to Penn 4.5.2. Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown 4.6. History and Theory 4.7. Modern Architecture 4.8. Regional Ecology 4.9. Urbanism 4.10. Context, Complexity, and Contradiction 4.10.1. An Architecture for Nowhere 4.10.2. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture 4.12. Spirituality 4.13. Social Issues 4.14. A Lived-in Art of Institutions 4.15. Lineage 4.16. The Thread 5. Philadelphia School Buildings 5.1. General Characteristics 5.1.1. Clarity of Construction 5.1.2. Structure as a Giver of Order 5.1.3. Mechanical Equipment (HVAC) is Expressed, Not Hidden 5.1.4. A Preference for Masonry and Concrete Over Steel 5.1.5. Plan Over Section 5.1.6. A Hierarchical Order of Program, Spaces, and Structure 5.1.7. An Interest in Geometries 5.2. Some Buildings 5.2.1. Trenton Jewish Community Center, Project, 1954-59 by Louis Kahn 5.2.2. Trenton Bathhouse, Trenton NJ, 1959 by Louis Kahn 5.2.3. Alfred Newton Richards Medical Research Building (The Medical Towers), Philadelphia, PA, 1957–60, by Louis Kahn 5.2.4. Goldenberg House, Project, 1959, by Louis Kahn 5.2.5. Pender Labs, Philadelphia, PA, 1958 by Geddes, Brecher, Qualls, Cunningham 5.2.6. Residence Hall Group for the University of Delaware, c. 1966, by Geddes, Brecher, Qualls, Cunningham 5.2.7. Walnut 32 Parking Garage, Philadelphia, PA, 1963, by Mitchell Giurgola 5.2.8. Boston City Hall Competition Entry, 1962, by Romaldo Giurgola with Ehrman B. Mitchell and Thomas R. Vreeland, Jr. 5.2.9. Venturi’s Early Work 5.2.10. Vanna Venturi House, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, by Venturi and Rauch, 1962 6. The Philadelphia School and the Future of Architecture 6.1. The GSFA Education 6.2. The Whites and the Grays 6.3. The Future of Architecture 6.3.1. Our Golden Age 6.3.2. The Beaux-Arts 6.3.3. Meaning in Architecture 6.3.4. Culture 6.3.5. Popular Culture 6.3.6. History 6.3.7. Modernism 6.3.8. Regional Ecology 6.3.9. Urbanism 6.3.10. Context 6.3.11. Construction 6.3.12. Spirituality 6.3.13. Social Issues 6.4. A Lived-in Art of Institutions 7. Epilogue: My Education Appendices 8.1. Appendix 1: Books That Tell the Story 8.2. Appendix 2: Books We Read 8.3. Appendix 3: G. Holmes Perkins 8.4. Appendix 4: Mimi Lobell 8.5. Appendix 5: Mimi Lobell's Letter 8.6. Appendix 6: Robert Geddes on the Philadelphia School Bibliography Index