Foreword Introduction Embryology of neurocutaneous disorders H. Sarnat, L. Sarnat-Flores Genetics of the phakomatoses C. Romano Vascular birthmarks of infancy: 'Pascual-Castroviejo II syndromes' I. Pascual-Castroviejo Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) & related forms M. Ruggieri, M. Upadhyaya, M. Giovannini, I. Pascual-Castroviejo Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) & related forms S. Plotkin, L. Papi, M. Ruggieri Schwannomatosis S. Plotkin Tuberous sclerosis (TS) S. Jozwiak), N. Migone, M. Ruggieri Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) ST. Jarrell & RR. Lonser Klippel-Trenaunay, Parkes-Weber and Sturge-Weber syndromes: variations on a theme? M. Ruggieri, I. Pascual-Castroviejo Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome M. Ruggieri, O. Konez Parkes Weber syndrome M. Ruggieri, O. Konez, Sturge-Weber syndrome I. Pascual-Castroviejo, M. Ruggieri Hypomelanosis of Ito & related disorders (Pigmentary mosaicism) I. Pascual-Castroviejo, M. Ruggieri Incontinentia pigmenti I. Pascual-Castroviejo Phylloid hypomelanosis C. Schepis Wyburn-Mason syndrome M. Ruggieri, C. Di Rocco Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome (hereditary haemorrhagic telangietcasia) Hereditary neurocutaneous angiomatosis Familial cavernomas, angioma of brain, retina and skin Degos disease C. Schepis The 'epidermal nevus syndromes JL. Sugarman Schimmelpenning-Feuerstein-Mims Solomon syndrome [Epidermal (sebaceous) nevus syndrome] I. Pascual-Castroviejo CHILD syndrome R. Ruiz-Maldonado, et al. Becker syndrome (pigmented hairy epidermal nevus syndrome) M.Ruggieri, I. Pascual-Castroviejo Nevus comedonicus JL. Sugarman Phakomatosis pigmentokeratotica M. del C. Boente, et al. Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis R.Ruiz-Maldonado et al. Phakomatosis vasculo-vascularis (with Dyke-Davidoff-Masson anomaly) M. Ruggieri & P. Milone Cutis tricolor (Ruggieri-Happle syndrome) M. Ruggieri), I Kennerknecht, P. Iannetti, M. Roggini, R. Happle Speckled lentiginous nevi syndrome (Happle syndrome) M. Ruggieri LEOPARD sindrome S. Jozwiak Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita P. Lapunzina, J. Clayton-Smith Neuromelanosis cutanea S. Jozwiak Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus syndrome M. del C. Boent, et al. Nevus of Ota I. Pascual-Castroviejo Genetics of PTEN-hamartomatous syndrome C. Romano Cowden/Lhermitte-Duclos syndrome D. Nowak Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba sindrome C. Romano Proteus & Elattoproteus syndromes M.Ruggieri, I. Pascual-Castroviejo Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis (ECCL) S. Jozwiak, I. Pascual-Castroviejo Focal dermal hypoplasia I. Pascual-Castroviejo Progressive facial hemiatrophy I. Pascual-Castroviejo Unilateral facial and intracranial hypoplasia