1. Moving cargos, Thomas Birtchnell, Satya Savitzky and John Urry 1.1. Taking Stock 1.2. The Smooth System 1.3. Forgotten Spaces 1.4. Friction and Insecurities in the Smooth System 1.5. Other Systems 1.6. Cargo and resources 1.7. Changing cargomobilities? 2. Distribution Centres as Distributed Places: Mobility, infrastructure, and truck traffic, Julie Cidell 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Space and Spatiality 2.3. Freight, Warehousing, and Distribution Centres 2.4. Distribution Centres as Distributed Places 2.5. Mobility within the Distribution Centre 2.6. Distributed Mobility 2.7. Distributed Labor 2.8. Distribution of Information 2.9. Distribution and Distributed Places 3. Maritime Cargomobilities: The impossibilities of representation, Philip E. Steinberg 3.1. Cartographies of Maritime Transport 3.2. The Forgotten Space 3.3. Enacting Cargomobilities 3.4. Conclusion 4. A City that Exports Air: Containers, traffic and logistics in Sydney’s intermodal network and beyond, Brett Neilson 4.1. The Container in Time 4.2. China-led Globalization 4.3. Sydney Traffic 4.4. Conclusion 5. Smuggling mobilities: Parasitic relations, and the aporetic openness of the shipping container, Craig Martin 5.1. Introduction 5.2. The Distributive Space of Cargomobilities 5.3. The Intermodal ISO Shipping Container 5.4. Unruly Cargomobilities 5.5. Parasitic Relations 5.6. Parasitic Entanglements of Legal and Illegal Cargomobilities 5.7. The Smuggler-Object: Nesting on the flow of parasitic relations 5.8. Conclusion 6. The New Zones of Circulation: On the production and securitisation of maritime frontiers in West Africa, Julian Stenmanns, Stefan Ouma 6.1. Introduction 6.2. Reframing West African Economies in an Age of Connectivity 6.3. Interconnectivity, Supply Chain Security and Maritime Economies 6.4. Port Security Apparatus: The case of Tema 6.5. Mundane Assembly of Global Circulation 6.6. Stowaways – ‘A Near Miss for Terrorism’ 6.7. Conclusion 7. Immobilising and Containing: Entrapment in the container economy, Rachael Squire 7.1. "It’s Frantic Life…" 7.2. Ship Shaped? 7.3. When Geopolitics and Geoeconomics Collide 7.4. Contained 7.5. Conclusion 8. Identifying Material, Geographical and Institutional Mobilities in the Global Maritime Trade System, Jason Monios and Gordon Wilmsmeier 8.1. Introduction 8.2. Understanding Categories of Mobility 8.3. Port System Evolution 8.4. Concentration and Deconcentration 8.5. Centralisation and Decentralisation 8.6. Port Competition and Hinterland Capture 8.7. Institutional Adaptation: Autopoiesis and recursion 8.8. Applying a Systems Perspective to Material Mobilities 8.9. Conclusion9. Dangerous Cargo and Uneven Toxic Risks: Petrochemicals in the port of New Orleans, Alice Mah 9.1. Petrochemicals in the Port of New Orleans 9.2. Conclusion 10. Air Cargo Mobilities: Past, present and future, Lucy Budd and Stephen Ison 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Air Cargo Defined 10.3. The Historical Development of Air Cargo 10.4. Contemporary Air Cargo Mobilities: Airports, airlines, attributes, and aircraft 10.5. The Future of Air Cargo Mobilities 11. Oil on the Move, Satya Savitzky and John Urry 11.1. Introduction 11.2. Energy and Societies 11.3 The Coal System 11.4. The Oil System 11.5. Oil ‘Leaks’ and Spills 11.6. The Oil System ‘Spills’ 11.7. ‘Oil on Water’ 11.8. Oil Piracy 11.9. Oil Futures 11.10. Oil Insecurity 11.11. Conclusion 12. Digital Cargo: 3D printing for development at the ‘bottom of the pyramid,’ Thomas Birtchnell and William Hoyle 12.1. The Limits of Cargo 12.2. A 3D Printing Grassroots Innovation Movement 12.3. Community Printers 12.4 Open Repositories 12.5. Recycled Materials 12.6. 3D Printing Infrastructure 12.7. Conclusion